
Herdomine Knight Herdomine sat down at the Gryfindor table not looking to good. It was obvious that she hadn't been sleeping. Herdomine lay her head upon the table closing her eyes just then someone tapped on her shoulder.


Medic Eugene Connor The Ministry had owled Medic Connor about two weeks after she had left Hogwarts with a request to check up on the new Medic. He was, reportedly, just out of college, with very little real experience, and had already mailed the Ministry about one of the student's condition. Anorexia or whatnot. And, to phrase it as the Ministry had, 'We're understaffed at the moment, sorry to inconvience you, but will you go make sure he's not poisioning any of the students, or that they don't drop dead or anything?'

It seemed the Ministry had lots of trust in younger wizards.

So Eugene had packed her bag once more, told her grandchildren Jim and Jeff that she'd be back in a day or so, and taken a port key to Hogwarts. She might have refused the Ministry and reinteriated the terms of her retirement, had she not had a sneaking suspision about who the anorexic student was.


Diamond who she had treated for being mauled, Diamond who couldn't eat chocolate, who had trouble keeping down medicine. Diamond who seemed so lonely, so lost.

All of this meant that she was back at Hogwarts when the screaming started. It was audible even in the Hospital Wing, where she had stopped to look for Medic Silver. As she hurried down the Hall, believing someone to be badly hurt, it grew in magnitude. She burst into the Great Hall, white robes swishing, and stopped short.

It was chaos, complete and utter chaos. A hand went for her wand as she saw the cause of it, and remembered him from last year. This was the man who cost so much in terms of life. Sudden hate flared within her at the sight of him. How many Wrightwards corpses had been laid to rest in the Hospital Wing till they could be taken away for burial? How many innocent children had died?

Oh, how she hated this man.

The students had to be removed from the Hall, least she end up with the Hospital Wing acting as a morgue again. So, starting with the first student she saw, who was sitting at a table indifferently, she began to evacuate the room.

"Herdomine." She said, grabbing her shoulder and pulling her down out of sight. "Come on, dear, you can't stay here! Not with him bringing the roof down like he is." Hate tinged her words, hate for Prince and those who followed him.

"Come on. Follow me." She took Herdomine's arm and ushered her towards the door. "Oh dear." She wailed, seeing a student fall dead.

"Dear, I have to get the rest of them out of there. You go back to your common room, or just find somewhere to hide. Don't go back into the Hall." Leaving a stunned Herdomine in the corridor outside the Hall, she rushed back inside.


Herdomine Knight Herdomine eyed the medic scurrying away. What was going on? "Is it just me?" she said to herself, "or did I miss something?" She was in a daze. "Oh well." She didn't ask any questions she just did as she was asked and she made her way to the common room utterly confused but yet relaxed.


Medic Eugene Connor Medic Connor made a mental note to have Silver up Herdomine's medication. It seemed she was in a world of her own, not really aware of events around her. At least in this state she could not be upset by all the death, which would keep her from being suicidal. Perhaps her state was a blessing in disguise.

Moving back into the Great Hall, Connor ran towards another student. Spotting Infinty trying to do the same thing, she nodded in her direction. Where was the rest of the staff? She stumbled over something squishy just then, and looked down, then nearly screamed. Biting her tongue, she stepped off of Buckmiter. That answered her question about one of the Faculty. But surely others had survived...


Professor Infinity Gates Infinity spotted the former Medic and rushed over to her. Evacuating the students was her main priority, but it was good to see a friendly, though unexpected, face.

"Quite the welcome home, huh?" she said, forcing a smile. "I'm trying to get the students out of here. He's got three of the objects from what I can gather and the only thing stopping him from getting the fourth one is Gem Taurus." She hesitated. "To put it simply, we're doomed. If he gets that coin... we'll all want to be as far away as possible. Send as many students as you can down to Hogsmeade. Send them with a guiding spell if they don't know the way - just get them out of here!"


Medic Eugene Connor "It's that bad?" Eugene gasped. She had guessed the reason for his return, as the Black Wands were well known and feared. One of her sons had gone into an Auror career, and spent much of his time chasing the wizards that stood now before her. Infinity had hit the truth dead on; if Prince gained the final object, they were doomed.

"All right Infinity." She replied, tightening her grip on her wand. "I just sent Herdomine to the common room, so I'll have to run get her. In fact, the rest of the common rooms need to be checked." Like in a medical emergency, she was quickly running through her checklist of where students would be. If Prince gained the wand... they'd better not be at Hogwarts.

"We'll get them out of here." She promised, then hurried off.