
Prince More than a year ago Prince John Paul had stood in the entry of this school, Daiva thrown over one shoulder and wand brandished in hand. Danuliete had double crossed him, then, and he had dealt out punishment to the entire school. He remembered that night clearly, it was imprinted in has head as though branded there. Children screaming, tables over thrown, party decorations scattered everywhere. He had thrived on the destruction of it all.

The Great Hall looked different now, less festive, with students milling around and most of the staff at the Faculty table. Few noticed the black robed figures enter at first, though they were definatly out of place. Had some of the older students looked up, they would have recognized Prince immediantly. He wore the same cocky, slightly insane grin as last time, his wand held steady. Behind him stood Daiva, his partner, and most surprisingly, Danuliete.

He had returned to collect the bill of injuries done to him here, though he did have ulterior motives. As his servants worked, they needed a diversion. The one he had planned would be enough to distract the entire wizarding world for months.

Suddenly one person looked up, then another, and slowly a hush fell over the congregation. Waves of shock swept over the crowd, confused first years looked around, no one knew quite how to react...

And that's when the screaming started.


Daiva Danuliete Daiva smiled.

At last something to do.

She shook her long dark hair, flecked now with streaks of white, white inflicted by Azkaban and something akin to liveliness and vigour was back in her face for the first time in years. People screamed, well why wouldnt they scream? Daiva liked the reaction she was provoking and never one to waste time or words when action would serve she stepped out from behind JP and with a delicate flick of her wrist she muttered an unforgiveable incantation and the words flowed like water from her beautiful lips. Lips born to utter such words. And yet she smiled as she said it and deftly flicked her wand into the crowd. It had no particular target, indeed Daiva had noone in mind. It was enough that she was there, alive and the power that surged in her wand, lifted her up, made her once more a bit like the Daiva she had lost.


Professor Rikin Buckmiter Professor Rikin Buckmiter was one of the many new teachers here at Hogwarts. He was just sitting up at the Staff table when the figures had entered the Great Hall, with Danuliete behind them. What was going on, he had no idea, but he was going to find out.

He pulled his hand into his pocket, a grip on his wand so strong, no person could undo it. Or so he thought.

The screaming had begun, and the running of all the students confused Rikin completely. He had no idea what was going on. Why was Danuliete with a group of people making the students scream? And better yet, what were they going to do.

But out from behind the man came a woman. The smile on her face made Rikin cringe. It was a horrible and yet evil grin. And from out of the mouth of that woman came words he hoped he would never have to hear.

And being the good teacher he was, he jumped down from the Staff table, and grabbed a group of students, hiding them from the woman that stood in the entranceway.

The spell hit him right in the chest. Making him fall right to the floor, his body a lifeless pile of skin. It was over, Professor Rikin Buckmiter’s life had ended. But at least he died protecting the students he so loved to teach.


Kairi Blacknight A high pitched shriek emerged from the young first year as the professor who had shielded her fell lifeless to the floor. Her eyes were glued to his stiff form, laying at her feet.

Her cry increased in volume as she moved her gaze to the murderess across the room. It was a stupid thing to do, attract attention, but as hard as she tried she could not stop.

Kairi was terrified.


Prince "Very smooth, Daiva." Prince said dryly, deprieved of the first kill. Still, he could not begrudge the woman her own. Eight years was a long time to last without casting a single curse, not to mention with having Dementors sucking her magic away. He was surprised she managed what she did. Surprised, and strangly pleased. This was the Daiva of old, the one he remebered.

As the idiot Professor fell dead, he stepped further into the Hall, secure in his knowledge. Prior experience taught him that here only Danuliete was capable of hurting him. And this time she would not pose a problem. He swept his eyes around, choosing his target. Unlike Daiva, Prince strived for precision.

"Avada Kedavra." He commanded lazily, flicking his wand. The hysterical girl slumped dead to the floor, laying over the man who had vainly strove to protect her. Prince cackled at the irony of it, and his wand began to heat up, mirroring his excitement.

A picture of terror, he brought his wand up again.


Habba Dabs Habba started to weep. Huge blue tears rolled down her nose. Habba hated death and this was all too much for her. First losing her Quidditch hut, then her job and now this. Habba wished very much she had never ever come up from her hole and her Hinklepuddle friends. She plopped down off the chiar at the staff table and hid underneath it. Danuliete had never quite been able to force Habba out of her school, despite the fact that Habba at present had no definable job whatsoever and spent most of the time digging up parts of the school and crying.

Quietly at first then gradually louder and louder Habba began to wail a mournful death song. She rocked backwards and forwards, forwards and backwards, singing over and over again,

"Oh eei eee hidle hidle eiee ee
Ye Yei Ye yei smiidle faddle bee!


Prince The ugly blue thing's wailing was beginning to give Prince a headache. At first he had not bothered with it, believing it to be less than intelligent and not worth the time it took to curse, but now the thing was getting really annoying.

And come to think of it, he had always enjoyed animal torture...

He muttered a simple spell and the table it sat under exploded, covering everyone in saw dust and spliters. A second later the food that had graced the table submitted to the laws of gravity and came crashing down. Gravy splattered everywhere, pumpkin juice drenched onlookers. A cherry topped cake hit a screaming student, knocking her over. In the middle of it sat the nuscience, balling as though there would be no tomorrow.

For it, there wouldn't be.

"Avada Kedavra."


Habba Dabs Habba tried to shield herself from the exploding table and all the bits of food and splinters by putting her plump paws over her head and singing even louder, if that were possible. The last thoughts that went though her mind were not fears for her own safety, for she seemed indeed oblivious to any danger to her own person, but about the nasty old man and the poor little bitsy moppets in the Hall below.

The spell hit her completely unawares and in mid song. Habba was not human. She was part Paddamarsh and part Hinklepuddle. The spell did not affect her in the same way whatsoever. True it was the most deadly of the unforgivable curses and no living creature could withstand it. But instead of fading out her life ended in a much more bizarre and dramtic way - very much like her living of it.

The spell hit Habba right in the middle of her fat round belly and she exploded. Right where she sat rocking back and forth, she spontaneously combusted. Huge chunks of blue Habba flew round the room, pupils, staff and perpetrators alike were splattered with great globules of blue flesh, purple blood and lurid pink organs. It was a mess.


Aiko Wantanbe Perhaps the first movement after the thing exploded was from one of the least likely of sources. From the Hufflepuff table a sobbing second year stood. Tears mixed with the blood and flesh that had sprayed onto her as she took the first steps towards Prince.

It was almost exactly like the year before. And it was every bit as nightmarish.

"I have it," she whispered. Her normally timid voice needed no increase in volume to be heard; no one was speaking. "I found it."

And with her self-loathing deepening each moment, she dropped the pocket watch at her masters feet.


Prince "Pick it up." Prince commanded, flicking his wand and muttering the Imperious curse. Unable to resist, Aiko bent and lifted the watch, handing it to him. The sobbing brat was so easy to toy with. He flicked his wand again, making her bow down to him. She had no backbone anyway, it made little difference. Iindifferently he stepped around her, heel grinding into her hand. He wiped the third object off on his robe sleeve, then studied it carefully.

It was covered in purple blood, unsurprisingly. Had he known that thing would combust, he might have chosen to smash it into a wall instead. While blood and gore was perfectly all right and rather fitting, he did not approve of the orange entrails that had landed on his robes. The Hufflepuff watch was still ticking, he noted with satisfaction. Strange scribbles decorated it and the hands circled around a multicoloured face. It was a gaudy thing, though golden and obviously of fine quality. None of that mattered however. Prince had a very different use for this watch.


Prince's Third Companion It was pityful really. The way the mere sight of a man could enduce so much terror in the hearts of almost every person there. No one would interfere the eldest servant now, this distraction was more than occupying. He watched his fellows cast their death spells over the whimping life forms that were Danuliete's students. He would have thought she'd harden them to her strength, but no. Each student that fell was as weak and powerlass as the last. He himself did not take lives unless to retrieve something of importance, or conceal it. Playing with people, cursing them, toying with them was more is style. He ran rings round them and they ended up doing the job for him.

In the midst of such a throng one face would normally be clear, it was her sort of scene, chaos. But she wasn't there, not yet anyways. He looked at all the faces around the hall, each terrifyed at the very site of the four adults, each brandishing their wands. Almost all were scared and she wouldn't be. Confused, annoyed and angry but not scared, she knew three of the four adults there well enough not to be scared. He stood at watched the events before him, she would be here soon enough, when the cries and the pain reached her mind.