
Prince Druscilla thought he was gone. She'd escorted him to the gates, yes, watched as he vanished into the air. That was the glory of apparating; no one knew where you went.

He'd only gone about a mile, far enough for the presence of him to be undectable when she searched for him using that device of hers. The fool. He hadn't gone. In fact, he'd crept back to the castle under cover of night, and hidden within its own thick walls. A foe glass wouldn't detect him so close to the school, not when the Headmistress had many students who wished to harm her anyways. Not that they'd be brave enough.

That had been the point of cooaperating. Once invited into a place, he could come and go freely. He now had complete access to Hogwarts, thanks to the curse on Dom Snelly. How sweet. He grinned slowly, savoring the feeling of triumph. But the battle was not won yet.

He had successfully entered phase two. This was the time for subtleness. The harsh displays against students, the menacing nature; that would not do. His wand would help him to...persuade them. No matter, willing minds are easier to control. He wanted this to be easy. He wanted to succeed.

Glancing around the shadowy classroom, he realized the need for secretness. Though night still prevailed, it would not do to have just any student walk in on him. Crossing to the center of the room, he considered the most useful charm.

"Protectio!" He whispered, watching as the steady stream of power flowed out of his wand. Slowly it covered the walls, seeping into every crack and chick, sealing the space under the door, and the key hole. The spell would prevent any sound from exiting the room; easedropping was not literally impossible. He'd added his own mark to it though. It would allow in no students, except the four that he called, and only then if they were alone. Satisfied, he settled down in a dusty armchair. Growling curses, he stood again and preformed a cleaning charm. A simple transformation spell changed the old thing into a throne... meant for a Prince.

He allowed himself another grin, one reminate of the Cheshire Cat's. Time to start.

Closed his eyes, he concentrated on the four student figures, metally saying their names. After five minutes of this steady bit of mind control, he ended with the word "Come."

That will do it. They will come.


Ravenclaw Servant Not really knowing why, one student left the safeness of their common room and the talk of Quidditch tactics to go to the seventh year Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

It was like a magnet. For some reason it was imperative that she be there. It seemed she wasn't the only one, either.

When she arrived, she saw why she was needed.


Hufflepuff Servant Close behind that one came another, a stray sheep in a flock of students leaving the Great Hall, bypassing the safety of the common room and forgetting about the textbooks that needed returning. Feet moved in casual steps, then quicker, then running. Couldn't be late. Trouble otherwise. Stopped beside the first, standing straight, awaiting orders from Prince.

She was quiet as she entered the room. Quiet as a small mouse, stepping lightly on the mouse trap to retrieve the cheese. And she was about as safe too.

She had no recellection of leaving her classroom. She was unaware that she was in the older classrooms, seven years her senior. And while shivers ran up her spine, and her mind protested with every ounce of its being, her nerves were easily put aside.

She was excited.


Slytherin Servant Another person entered the room. A boy this time. He was one of the only four who would make the perfect servant. No one would suspect him. He was in the midst of looking over spells when he was summoned. Willingly, he gave in to the call, went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts Room for seventh years and awaited his instructions.


Prince It didn't take long. The students were eager, willing. Young minds jumping at the chance to have what only he could provide. Power: the greatest persuader. He sat in his throne watching as they arrived, as they tred lightly on the newly added red carpet, as their eyes absorbed the rich tapestries adorning the walls. Unlike Druscilla, Prince liked comfort.

A genuine smile apeared on his face as he watched the chosen take their places in one row in front of him, their shining faces waiting. In a soft voice, lubricated from recent civilness and pretending, he spoke.

"You have been selected, seperated from the crowd. You are the best. I have directions for you. Will you accept the task?" He watched as the four faces nodded in unision.


He stood, walking to appear before the first student in the row, the first to arrive. Touching his wand to her shoulder, he bid her to rise. Then he whispered the directions into her ear.

He repeated the process to each of the remaining students, careful to make sure none knew the other's directions, as a precaution. Finally he pulled his wand from his pocket, twirling it idly.

"Another minute of your time, then you may begin."